Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lisa Jackson...

I got to see Lisa Jackson, EPA Administrator, speak this morning.

you would have thought that a million dollars was sitting in that room waiting to be claimed or that it was Black Friday at Wal-Mart the way people pushed to get in! It was actually pretty crazy! All of these suits calmly talking and chatting until they opened the doors - then they all turned to raging beasts to get in! ahh, human nature. Anyway, being that i savagly squished to the sidelines - i stood by the door to watch the speech. It was a pretty good view, actually and i got some good pics, though i did not take many notes.

Basically, she highlighted the different efforts that the President and EPA are taking to combat climate change domestically. She also hightlighted the endangerment report which she signed hours before getting on the plane. As i stated in a previous entry - finally we are recognizing that GHGs are harmful.

What I am left with wondering is whether this action by the US is a peace offering or a scrap to temporarily soothe the riotous masses? Because we don't yet have a climate bill (argh) was this endangerment finding (and the coincidence that it was signed hours before coming to Copenhagen) a good-faith gesture that yes, the US is in fact committed to drastically reducing our emissions and this is just one small step we are taking as part of sweeping, comprehensive changes to come or is it more like a mini diversion so that we don't look worse than we already do? I hope it is the previous! ...only time and negotiations will tell.

Meanwhile back at home...
CALL your Senator and DEMAND comprehensive climate legislation! Demand that the US commit to Kyoto (even if we don't sign, we can still commit to making comparable efforts and other actions under Kyoto) and DEMAND aggressive action in Copenhagen!

As French politician Alexandre Ledru-Rollin said:
"There go the people. I must follow them, for i am their leader"

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